The boondocks is a very rasist show. It potrays black people as ghetto and not very smart. Any educated black person would get offended by this show. Although the show is very humerous, funny and entertaining most would find it offensive.
This show how american consider fast food healthyer just because its cheaper and more convenent. this is what most americans think when the drunk diet soda and eat fast food that they wont gang wait and that they also stay healthyer then eat veggis anf thinks like that. America is known as the fatest biggest nation because every one is so care free of what they eat and think that the people who are selling them their food care if they are healthy or not which in reality they just care about the money they are making.
This is what are new generation of people are looking like. should the parents of up coming teens be worried about the super tan skin and the extra huge pofs. I would say most likly not let them express their indiviuality. Just explaian to them that by copying some one elses "swag" its not really their own. Which might want to make their ware some thing normal, but then again whats normal.
THis is another thing showing how one day every one in the us will be obes. Now how people dont see what a big effect it can cause on thier lives besides just ganging weight. It can cause a very unhealthy life for moost. People just see the prices and how quick it is to get it not how bad it is for you. i myself do the same thing litle a bit of time and im really huungry that where fast food comes in. You can goto the grocery store look at preices on veggis and ask why is it cheaper to just got get fast food then some actualy healthy vegtables that are healthy for you. That why america has a very unhealthy future ahead.
People say that its obama who is hurting are nation which is mostly true. But its also the people that voted for obama he would never became prez with out US, would never be able to make all the decisions he makes with US, would never be able to go on all the vacations he goes on with out US. Now we blame him for every thing but he could have never did it with out US. So to think its him thats boming us, but with out us he dies to.